Online courses in ibm
Financial Modeling of IBM
eduCBAThe fundamentals of financial modelling will be easier to understand after taking this course. It will be more of a t...
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IBM SPSS Modeler Essentials
UdemyIBM SPSS Modeler enables you to explore data, identify important relationships that you can leverage, and build pre...
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IBM Cognos Framework Manager
UdemyFramework Manager, part of the IBM Cognos Business Intelligence suite, allows users to model data to facilitate rep...
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IBM SPSS Modeler: Techniques for Missing Data
UdemyIBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining workbench that allows you to build predictive models quickly and intuitively...
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Develop a Chatbot using IBM Watson and AWS Lex & Polly
UdemyIn this course , you will learn and deploy chatbot using AWS Lex and IBM Watson on AWSand IBM Bluemix cloud.Firstly, ...
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A developers guide to IBM Events
UdemyAre you attending IBM InterConnect 2016 in Las Vegas, NV?Get a head start on the others by learning the key aspects o...
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Learning IBM SPSS Statistics
UdemyThis video course consists of step-by-step software demonstrations geared to familiarize new users of IBM SPSS Statis...
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AWS and IBM Databases on Cloud
UdemyIn this course, we would explore AWS and IBM Database services available on Cloud. First sections is all about IBM Cl...
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IBM SPSS Modeler: Modeler’s New R Nodes
UdemyIBM SPSS Modeler is a data mining workbench that allows you to build predictive models quickly and intuiti...
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