Online courses in petroleum engineering
Petrophysics for Seismic Interpretation
ITCgroupCourse Overview Seismic Petrophysics is the careful and purposeful use of rock physics data and theory with well-log...
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Dipmeter and Borehole Image Logging
ITCgroupCourse Overview Borehole imaging tools provide an image of the borehole wall that is typically based on physical pro...
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Structure Modelingand 3D Gridding(Static)
ITCgroupCourse Outlines •Data Coverage(Import & Export) •Well data visualization (Import & Export) &bull...
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Basic Mud Logging (BML)
ITCgroupCourse Overview Mud logging, also known as surface logging, is the creation of a detailed record of a borehole by ex...
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Reservoir Simulation Principles and Practices
ITCgroupCourse Description:This training course will provide a comprehensive coverage of the simulation key topics, ch...
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Velocities for Depth Conversion and Imaging
ITCgroupCourse Overview: Seismic data is acquired in time - the time taken for the sound to travel from the source to reflec...
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Introduction to Petrophysics
ITCgroupCourse Overview Petrophysics is fundamental to all aspects of the petroleum business. Principles, applications, and ...
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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
ITCgroupCourse Overview NMR Petrophysics course will provide geoscientists and engineers with a basic to intermediate skill-...
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Water flooding and Chemical Flood Processes
ITCgroupCourse DescriptionWater flooding is one of the most important methods of improving recovery from oil reservoir...
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