Online courses in wp
WP e-Commerce for WordPress
UdemyThis course covers the settings for the WordPress WP e-Commerce plugin and settings for each of the WordPress Admin S...
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WordPress Theme Customization 102 - Create a WP Child Theme
UdemyWordPress Theme Customization 102 teaches beginner to intermediate Wordpress users, how to create and implement a Wor...
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Crea Sito + Ecommerce Joomla/WP sfruttando Servizi Gratuiti
UdemyCon questo video corso imparerai come ottenere tutto ciò che segue sfruttando servizi gratuiti della Rete:Spazio web ...
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Master WordPress Security: All in One WP Security & Firewall
UdemyAt least one WordPress site is hacked very five minutes. Don't be the next victim!In this course you will learn how...
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Simple Advanced WP Blog Training
UdemyThis course will teach you how to turn a basic WordPress Blog into a simple, stunning website. We will use, must...
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