Online courses in shell
Bash Shell Scripting Building BlocksBash Shell.
eduCBAAs part of the training, a project on Bash shell scripting was covered. The project's goal is to execute shell sc...
View CourseCertified Linux Shell Scripting Professional
VskillsThe shell remains one of the most powerful tools on a computer system yet a large number of users are unaware of how ...
View CourseCertificate in Bash Shell Scripting
VskillsBash (or Bourne Again Shell) is a type of interpreter that processes shell commands. A shell interpreter takes comm...
View CourseUnix/Shell Scripting
UplatzA shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix/Linux shell which could be one of the following: ...
View CourseLINUX and BASH Shell Scripting From Beginner To Intermediate
UdemyThis course will introduce you to the concepts of the Shell and Linux environment with network management and operati...
View CourseLinux Shell Course for Beginners
UdemyThis course is teaches the basics of using the linux shell, and is intended as a first course in using the terminal. ...
View CourseLinux: Bash Shell
UdemyAunque las distribuciones recientes de Linux permiten hacer uso del sistema operativo sin necesidad del interprete de...
View CourseBash Shell scripting
UdemyBash Shell scripting is a very detailed approach to make a student familiar with the concept of Bash programming and ...
View CourseShell Script Tutorial - Bash Scripting for Linux/Unix/Bash
UdemyThis course will take you from basics of shell scripting which includes how to write or save shell scripts, changing ...
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