Online courses في hr human resources
قانون العمل لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي
Learners Point Training Instituteماجستير في قانون العمل في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي مع تدريب شامليلعب قانون العمل في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي دورا...
عرض الدورة
Learners Point Training InstituteA- Business Leadership - Contribute to the development of the organization'sstrategyB- Talent Development and Man...
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Doctor of Business Administration
Exceed CollegeDoctor of Business Administration (DBA) - Woolf University, Malta The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a t...
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MBA in Human Resource Management
Exceed CollegeMBA in Human Resource Management - Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) The MBA in Human Resource Management...
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تدريب شهادة CHRP
Learners Point Training Instituteنظرة عامة: تعد شهادة أخصائي الموارد البشرية المعتمد (CHRP) من الشهادات المعترف بها عالميًا والتي تساعد متخصصي الموارد...
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CIPD Level 5 Senior People Management
We-are-HRAre you looking to kick-start your management/senior level career in HR or Learning & Development? Get start...
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Senior Professional in HR International (SPHRi)
Careers ComeModule 1: Business Leadership (31%) Leading the HR function, providing strategic HR consultation to senior mana...
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شهادة SPHRi
Learners Point Training Instituteملخص: طور مسيرتك المهنية في مجال الموارد البشرية من خلال التدريب على شهادة SPHRi. وهي مصممة لقادة الموارد ال...
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برامج شهادات ودبلومات الموارد البشرية
Learners Point Training Instituteملخص:تم تصميم دورات الموارد البشرية لدينا لمساعدة المهنيين على اكتساب الخبرة في ممارسات الموارد البشرية وتعزيز آف...
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Popular hr human resources courses in جنوب أفريقيا
Human Resources (HR) Mini MBA
London Training For ExcellenceThis unique programme has been expressively designed to give busy and experienced HR professionals the chance to...
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HR Leadership Development Program
ConvertasDay One The HR business and outside expectations · Incorporating outside expectations into the 'HR ...
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Strategic Talent Management Workshop
ConvertasDay 1 The war for talent · Six realities about people today · The battle for brainpower &...
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Performance and Quality Improvement
ConvertasObjectiveBiases of human performance Defining quality Ways to measure quality Setting standards Implemen...
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Arbitration and Dispute Resolution
ConvertasDay 1 Fundamentals of dispute resolution · Overview of the dispute resolution process · Me...
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Employee Relations Professional
ConvertasDay 1 Employee relations * Definition of the employee relations function * Main duties and responsibilit...
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Advanced Human Resource Management Workshop
ConvertasObjectivesUnderstand the importance of people as the organization's most important asset Learn how an orga...
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HR Policies And Procedures
ConvertasDay One Human resources management · Towards a modern definition · The main functions in H...
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Senior Professional in Human Resources SPHRi
LEORON Professional Development InstituteThe Senior Professional in HR -international (SPHRi) is a globally relevant credential that is designed to ...
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