Online courses في venture capital
Team Building and Leadership
Learners Point Training Instituteملخصمهارات القيادة ضرورية لتوجيه الفرق وتحقيق النجاح التنظيمي. تقدم دورة القيادة وبناء الفريق رؤى عملية حول تقنيا...
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Decision Making and Problem Solving
Learners Point Training Instituteملخص:يعد حل المشكلات واتخاذ القرار من المهارات الأساسية للمحترفين في أي صناعة. تعمل دورة حل المشكلات واتخاذ القرا...
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Doctor of Business Administration
Exceed CollegeDoctor of Business Administration (DBA) - Woolf University, Malta The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a t...
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Change Management Master
Learners Point Training Instituteملخص:تعد إدارة التغيير مهارة حاسمة للمحترفين الذين يتنقلون في التحولات التنظيمية. تقوم دورة إدارة التغيير الرئيسي...
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MBA in International Business and Relations
Exceed CollegeMBA in International Business and Relations - Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) The MBA in International ...
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MBA in Operations and Project Management
Exceed CollegeMBA in Operations and Project Management - Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) The MBA in Operations and Pr...
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MBA in Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain
Exceed CollegeMBA in Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain - Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM) The MBA in Artificial I...
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Doctorate in Management
Exceed CollegeDoctorate in Management - UCAM, Spain The Doctorate in Management, awarded by UCAM, Spain, offers a unique opportuni...
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Diversity & Culture
Learners Point Training Instituteملخص:يعد التدريب على التنوع الثقافي أمرًا ضروريًا للمهنيين العاملين في بيئة الأعمال العالمية اليوم. توفر الدورة ا...
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Popular venture capital courses in نيجيريا
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Westford School of ManagementDesigned to meet industry demands, the online Executive MBA Program is crafted with a balanced delivery to accommodat...
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Corporate Social Responsibility
ConvertasDay 1: Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility · Defining Corporate Social Responsibility &midd...
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Organizational Leadership
ConvertasDay 1 Leadership and organizational behavior · Understanding leadership · Understanding or...
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Operations Management for Hospitality
ConvertasDay 1: · Values, Vision, Mission, · Impacts of Organizational Culture · Strate...
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Advanced Strategic Planning Workshop
ConvertasObjectiveMission Vision and Objectives of an organization SOWT analysis with in-depth study of all component...
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Process Management
ConvertasDay 1 Process definitions and elements * Process definition * Process approach to improvement * Ad...
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Leadership and Communication Workshop
ConvertasObjectiveCommunicate ideas clearly, powerfully, and intentionally to inspire and lead others to create vision, s...
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Leadership Excellence Workshop
ConvertasObjectiveEmphasize the critical study of leadership and its implications for global leadership Introduce selec...
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Business Continuity Management
ConvertasObjectiveExplain the approach for establishing an operational Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) align...
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