Online courses في ios
iOs Application Development
Al Manal Training CenterBrief Course Description: This course is designed to teach candidates the development of iOS apps and publishing App...
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Become an iPhone App Developer
eduCBABecome an iPhone App DeveloperHave an idea of the next blockbuster app? An iOS developer is responsible for devel...
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Integrating Twitter and Facebook into Your iOS Apps
UdemyMany apps allow users to log in to popular social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. iOS used to allow authentica...
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iOS App Development: Make Your Own Flappy Bird Application
UdemyBEST VALUED FLAPPY BIRD COURSE ON UDEMY! Updated Jan 2015! Your results by taking the course? ...
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The Complete IOS 9 & Xcode 7 Guide - Make 20 Applications
UdemyDo You Want To Create Your Own iPhone and iPad iOS 9 Apps but are not sure where to start? Are you ready to jump righ...
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iOS 12 & Swift: The Complete Developer Course (Project base)
UdemyThis course for anyone whowant to be Swfit4 programmer from scratch, We will start bydiscus all programming fundament...
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Professional iOS App Development with Swift
UdemyIn this course you will create a fully customised iOS 9 application called Quotes To Go from start to finish. Quotes ...
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iOS Development - Create 4 Quiz Apps with Swift 3 & iOS 10
UdemyA lot of very successful and popular games in the appstore are QuizGames. They are addicting, relatively easy to make...
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IOS Development with NodeJS + Google Maps API + Firebase
UdemyThis course is project based designed to teach you how to build full-stack application on IOS, Desktop, and Web appli...
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