الصفحة الرئيسية Personal Secretaries
Personal Secretaries careers in Thrissur, India
Online courses في Personal Secretaries
Administrative Management, Secretarial Personal Assistant Diploma
Study 365This Administrative Management & Secretarial Personal Assistant course covers the topics listed under the curricu...
عرض الدورة![Study 365 Study 365](https://cdn.laimoon.com/listing_100_40/content_1511963512-Study365 - Logo.jpg)
Executive Secretarial and Personal Assistant
St. Paul's CollegeFrom handling phone calls to managing events, the job of a secretary comes with a wide range of roles and responsibil...
عرض الدورة![St. Paul's College St. Paul's College](https://cdn.laimoon.com/listing_100_40/content_1544027769-pauls-college-white-1.jpg)
Administrative Management, Secretarial Personal Assistant Diploma
Inspire London CollegeAdministrative Management & Secretarial Personal Assistant Diploma (Level 5) - Upon successful completion, learne...
عرض الدورة![Inspire London College Inspire London College](https://cdn.laimoon.com/listing_100_40/content_1607452136--London-College-Logo2.png)
Executive Secretarial and Personal Assistant
Alpha AcademyPersonal assistant and secretaries are an important part of any business, and play a vital role in organizing adminis...
عرض الدورة![Alpha Academy Alpha Academy](https://cdn.laimoon.com/listing_100_40/content_1528204519-Alpha LOGO.png)