Online courses في safety management
NLP TechAt NLPTECH Training Center, we offer specialized IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health) training progra...
عرض الدورةIOSH Managing Safely Version 5
SAVEFAST Fire and Safety TrainingIntroducing IOSH Managing Safely - The first module makes it clear that managers are accountable ...
عرض الدورةBasic Safety at Workplace
Marvel Management Training InstituteActions for directors, board members, business ownersand organisations of all sizesIt is designed for use by ...
عرض الدورةFirst Aid At CPR/AED
SAVEFAST Fire and Safety TrainingMedic First Aid Basic Plus is a combined adult first aid, AED, and CPR certification course designed specif...
عرض الدورةiosh working safely
SAVEFAST Fire and Safety TrainingDesigned for anyone, in any sector, worldwide Provides the knowledge and tools required to work safely Peace of min...
عرض الدورةOSHA
Duke Training CentreOverview:"OSHA Training for Construction and General Industry"Duke Training Centre providing this c...
عرض الدورةBasic Fire Fighting
Duke Training CentreCourse OverviewThis preparation program will help you equip with necessary and potential skills that will not hel...
عرض الدورةNEBOSH Oil & Gas (IOGC)
Duke Training CentreNEBOSH Oil and GasThe NEBOSH International Technical Certificate in Oil and Gas Safety provides managers, safety ...
عرض الدورةPediatric Plus CPR, AED
SAVEFAST Fire and Safety TrainingMEDIC First Aid PediatricPlus CPR, AED, and First Aid for Children, Infants and Adults provides an ideal tr...
عرض الدورةPopular safety management courses in جنوب أفريقيا
Health Safety & Environment Workshop
ConvertasDay 1 Definitions and overview · Why the concerns for safety? · Various definitions of acc...
عرض الدورةNEBOSH International Diploma In OHS
SHEildsThere are no prerequisite entry requirements for this NEBOSH International Diploma level qualification. Although stud...
عرض الدورةNebosh IGC International General Certificate
Full Safety Compliance (Pty) LtdKey Topics Covered:International standards for Health and Safety at work; Implementation of Health and Safety Ma...
عرض الدورةSHE Representatives Training
SA SMTS Pty LtdThis course is designed to equip learners with the responsibilities, functions and roles of a functional SHE Represen...
عرض الدورةNEBOSH International General Certificate (IGC)
Protec AfricaWhat Is The NEBOSH International General Certificate This course is an internationally recognised qualification in t...
عرض الدورةIOSH Working Safely
SA SMTS Pty LtdThe aim of IOSH Working Safely is to improve the safety culture within an organisation by giving individuals...
عرض الدورةIOSH Managing Safely
SA SMTS Pty Ltdintroduces managers, at all levels, to the different aspects of managing safety and health in the workplace. It pr...
عرض الدورةISO 45001 Migration
Protec AfricaTraining OverviewThis course introduces you to the new ISO high level structure for management system standards a...
عرض الدورةISO 45001 Introduction (Requirements)
Protec AfricaCourse Overview This course will provide you with an understanding of the history and development of ISO 45001, key ...
عرض الدورة