Online courses في audio video
Pro Tools 7.4: What’s New
1TRAININGOverviewIf you are an aspiring Audio Engineer, this excellent ProTools : What’s New course is the perfect o...
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POK Wireless Foot Controller
1TRAININGOverviewThis excellent POK Wireless Foot Controller course demonstrates how artists, instrumentalists a...
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Ableton Live 7: The Essentials
Study 365Are you a budding music producer? Maybe creating music is a hobby of yours? Perhaps you’re a music student? Th...
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Reason 3: Essential
1TRAININGOverviewReason is the amazing digital audio workstation, which is widely used for creating and editing music and ...
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NRV-10 Digital Audio Interface + Analog
1TRAININGOverviewThe NRV-10 Digital Audio Interface + Analog Mixer is a useful audio interface, which can be used for many...
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Melodyne: An Introduction
1TRAININGOverviewThis Melodyne: An Introduction course is taught by composer and violinist Laura Escudé, ...
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Reason 4: What’s New
1TRAININGOverviewReason is the amazing digital audio workstation, which is widely used for creating and editing music and ...
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How To Easily Create 3D eBook, Audio & Video Covers
UdemyIf you have a digital ebook, audio, video or multimedia training course that is sold online, you need a 3D cover...
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Outil Auteurs: Enregistrer Audio, Créer Livre Audio soi-même
UdemyTransformer vos écrits en livre audio avec un logiciel gratuit?Bienvenue dans cette formation qui va vous ai...
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